NEXTLEAP Deliverables

Download all the deliverables in a ZIP file.
  • D 2.1 – Internet Science Vocabulary and Key Questions (Editor: UCL): A list of key questions facing decentralized systems and initial agreed-upon common interdisciplinary vocabulary terms based on Internet Science
  • D 2.2 – Federated Secure Identity Protocol: (Editor: UCL): An initial design of a federated identity system that protects the user's social graph using a secure address-book and associates an identity with key material across different systems in a privacy-preserving manner.
  • D 3.1 – Initial Decentralization Case-studies (Editor: CNRS) : This list of case-studies will be an initial list of up to 30 communities that could be investigated with ethnographic and social scientific methods. These communities will include ideally the open-source projects that will implement the NEXTLEAP protocols and existing CAPS projects.
  • D 3.2 – Draft of Philosophy of the Internet and web hermeneutics book (Editor IRI) : This will list chapters and general philosophical theses, to be discussed among the NEXTLEAP project partners. The history of the Internet and Web section should be completed by then.
  • D 3.3 – Draft Decentralized Case-studies (Editor: CNRS): This subset of the list of case-studies will be finalized, and initial analysis completed over the communities to feed into the fundamental science of protocol design in WP2.
  • D 4.1 – Formal Modelling of Federated Identity (Editor: INRIA): Formal definitions of decentralization, privacy, security, and anonymity properties will be developed and proven using automatic proof-proving on the federated identity protocol. Results will be validated against open-source code. Depends on D2.2.
  • D 4.2 – Scalability Simulations for Federated Identity (Editor: IMDEA) : Simulation-based evaluation showing the scalability of NEXTLEAP federated identity protocols in terms of properties like decentralization, privacy, security, or anonymity.
  • D 5.1 – Identifying communities, Use cases, Development flows (Editor: MER) : This deliverable will select the projects (including but not limited to other CAPS projects) where we aim to integrate the decentralized protocols, describe accordingly their various use cases for these protocols, and outline development guidelines and roles within the development and validation processes.
  • D 5.2 – Releasing Initial Prototypes (Editor: MER) : Initial prototypes for protocols for identity and privacy-preserving are released to the public and communicated to previously identified communities.
  • D 6.1 – Public Web Page (Editor: IRI) : A public webpage, including a repository of all videos, contributions, seminars, and will be created and updated throughout the duration of the project.
  • D 6.2 – Dissemination Plan (Editor: IRI) : A dissemination plan will be outlined, where dissemination activities via various channels will be planned as described in Task 2.1. The advisory board will be notified for inpu
  • D 6.3 – Dissemination Report for Period 1 (Editor: IRI) : Dissemination reports will be delivered each year and the dissemination plan will be updated if necessary. It will include all presentations, papers, videos, and all other outreach material to be archived. This will include the advise of the advisory board.
  • D 6.4 – Preliminary Education Plan and Draft Net Right (Editor: IRI) : In this deliverable the first version of education plan will be presented with topics and speakers on the philosophy of collective intelligence, Net Rights, the 'magna carta' for the Web, user privacy and encryption, contributive categorization, and more. It will be aligned with a seminar series focussed on a unified internet science around digital studies, rights, and protocols as well as an in-face summer school. A draft list of net rights will be selected for crowd-sourcing support.