29.01 What strategy for Alternative Internets?
Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Félix Tréguer (CNRS), Francesca Musiani (CNRS), Vincent Puig and Giacomo Gilmozzi (IRI/Plaine Commune), Harry Halpin (INRIA), Oriane Piquer-Louis (FFDN), Pierre-Yves Grosset (Framasoft), Philippe Aigrain (LQDN), Renata Avila (W3 Foundation), Tristan Nitot (Cozy Cloud), Francesco Brancaccio (IRI, Chaire Plaine Commune)
15.03 Real Smart Cities and deliberative platforms
Bernard Stiegler (IRI), Simona de Simoni (IRI), Vincent Puig (IRI), Olivier Landeau et Giacomo Gilmozzi (IRI), Noel Fitzpatrick (Dublin Institute of Technology), Arnaud de Champsavin (Octo technology), Francesca Musiani (ISCC-CNRS), Dr. Conor McGarrigle (DIT), Chris Julien (Waag Society, Amsterdam), Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola and Olga Lopez (University of the Arts Guayaquil, Ecuador), Tania Patrice Naidoo and Christopher Garde (Dublin City Council), Ronan Belleguic, Maison de l’Emploi, Plaine Commune, Alain Vaucelle, Terrinum, Plaine Commune
23.03 Can Protocols Enforce Human Rights via the IETF?
Hosted by George Danezis (Professor of Information Security at UCL), Corinne Cath (University of Oxford, co-editor of RFC 8280), Giacomo Gilmozzi (IRI du Centre Pompidou), Harry Halpin (Inria, ex-W3C, co-ordinator of NEXTLEAP Project), Mallory Knodel (Head of Digital at Article 19, co-chair of Human Rights Considerations for Protocol Research Group), Niels Ten Oever (University of Amsterdam, co-founder of Human Rights Considerations for Protocol Research Group at the IRTF, co-editor of RFC 8280).
09.04 That There Is Counter-Information: Art, Cryptography and the Meta-Datification of Discourse
Jessika Khazrik (Artist and writer, The Society of False Witnesses), Aram Bartholl (Artist – via online video), Farah Khelil (Artist), Valerie Cordy (Performer and Director of La Fabrique de Thêatre)
15.05 Intimacy & Extimacy
Bernard Stiegler (Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation), Georges Teyssot (Université de Laval, Québec, QC, CA), Isabelle Alfandary (Collège International de Philosophie), Pascal Ruffenach (writer, autor of Never Say, Edition L’Iconoclaste)
20.06 Information & Entropy
Maël Montévil (IRI), Clément Morlat (IRI), David Bates, (Berkeley Un.), Susanna Lindberg (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies), Bernard Stiegler (IRI)
28.03 What is "good encryption"? A pragmatic turn from a tool-centered to a user-centered approach
Ksenia Ermoshina (CNRS), Francesca Musiani (CNRS), Mykola Kostynyan (Digital security trainer and expert, ISCproject)
19.04 Cryptography and Usability
Joseph Bonneau (Standford University), Nadim Kobeissi (INRIA), Ksenia Ermoshina (ISCC/CNRS)
18.05 Decentralized systems and new urban territories
Bernard Stiegler - IRI, Franck Cormerais - Bordeaux-Montaigne University, Etudes Digitales, Julien Rossi - UTC
28.06 Decentralized certification and blockchain systems
Christian Fauré (OCTO Technologies, Ars Industrialis), Adli Takkal Bataille (La voie du Bitcoin), Lyse Brillouet (Orange Labs), André Reinald (PeerStorage, former Mozilla)